
AcquaNINJA is a technology company that integrates tech into everything from fashion to computer programs. AcquaNINJA is focused on helping the world with high-impact innovations like Project Neiru that could potentially save lives. We have history, we were founded and maintained by Khi Turner (CEO) in 2015 and is currently based out Miami, Florida. We are accredited by the IRS, Sunbiz, YellowPages, and Google Business. We work on several Projects simultaneously, which require Models to showcase our tech or fashion, if you would like to model or know someone interested please Contact Us. We realized that technology isn’t understood or adapted by the majority of people, so our goal is make it more convenient and accessible to everyone. Our logo is a staple of the brand and has developed with the company. We also are partnered with Google and specialize in 360° Photography we are the provider of many of the 360° photos on Google Maps in Miami. We have all types of reviews and awesome content on our YouTube.

Our Online Store

We figured technology is amazing, yet you can’t hand people software since it’s not physical, thus we needed a physical form to showcase the company. We partnered with Teespring and launched a virtual store which now holds about 100 different pieces of apparel ranging from shirts, to leggings, to hoodies, to feminine apparel, to socks and everything in between.

Current Projects

Upon searching us on Google you’ll see the main projects that we are focusing on highlighted. For a full list refer to Projects. Currently we are focused on these projects (shown below):

20180603_235350Project Neiru by AcquaNINJA
Project Promena by AcquaNINJA
Project Abacus by AcquaNINJA

Learn more about AcquaNINJA and check out the menu section. AcquaNINJA continues to express our passion for technology via YouTubeInstagram, and Twitter.

Divisions of AcquaNINJA

We are AcquaNINJA a profit corporation based out of Miami, recognized by the state of Florida currently viewable in Google, Sunbiz, and IRS. We specialize in technology and software. The company currently has three divisions that can be categorized as the following:

Software Division
Design Division
Innovation Division

Which breakdown as the following: the software division focuses on the creative aspects of mobile and web development as well as product reviews pertaining to software. This was the starting point for the company and we have an aspiration to become a reputable tech company in the industry. You can learn more about this in the Projects section.

The next and currently most profitable division of our company is the design division which puts emphasis on the creation of hardware whether its technology or fashion. Currently we have an online store which has many types of apparel to choose from ranging from shirts to hoodies to women’s leggings. Likely we will expand enough to integrate the technology into the clothing line like the Google project. Designing has always been a passion of ours and there are so many ideas that we shall implement in the near future.

Lastly the innovation division is for everything else that AcquaNINJA has to offer such as patents and ideas that could pave the way for inventions to come for the future. Charity and giving back are some of the core values of AcquaNINJA and how we intend to help the world with technology. There are so many inventions, blueprints, and prototypes that AcquaNINJA has to show the world.


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